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Michael Chekhov Workshop:The Dresser

When I was looking for an acting technique that could help me with my auditions, I got introduced to Iñigo Gallano by my friend Eu Jin. Iñigo became my mentor and I started taking screen acting lessons from him. Initially, my aim was to improve my audition skills but later on, I realized that acting is not only good for my art but also for my mental health. I learned that it's meant to be enjoyable rather than stressful, and it's not about looking for another job but expressing my creativity. Though the process was a bit overwhelming at first, I found that being in a room full of actors is one of the safest places I can be.

After a month of sessions, I did something different and joined Iñigo’s Michael Chekhov acting workshop. We decided to do the play, “The Dresser” by Ronald Harwood.

Iñigo Gallano and Rachel Brown(stage manager)

May(?) and Christopher Rob as Sir and Norman

Eni Ragna (Madge) and Yuvraj Bhatia (Oxenby)

Probably one of the most intense scenes in the play was the storm. Thankfully, Rob's percussive instruments helped us with that.

Yuvraj Bhatia, Christopher Rob, Eni Ragna

Aynrand Ferrer and Christopher Rob in the opening scene

I played both the roles of Her Ladyship and Irene since we didn't have many people in the company.

MCSL '23 Company at the Yukari Cafe, Kew Gardens

Here’s to more opportunities for learning and exploration in life.

"It's a disease"
"What is?"

-Ronald Harwood, The Dresser


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